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Author: Kaywerlyn Yip

Shelf Life of Wheat and Grain Products

Shelf Life of Wheat and Grain Products

Featured image from Unsplash. Knowing the shelf life of our staple wheat and grain products is important so that we can keep them fresh for a long time and be able to get the best taste out of them! Here is a guide (super helpful for beginners, I'd say!) for the...
FoodLine x Citibank Promo Codes

FoodLine x Citibank Promo Codes

*These coupon codes are only applicable for Citibank cardholders and verification may be required. How to use your coupon code? Step 1: Order from any of the caterers on FoodLine. Step 2: Before placing your order, indicate the Coupon Code in the “Coupon Code” field. Step 3: After your event, go...
Make These 6 Treats Without Using Flour!

Make These 6 Treats Without Using Flour!

  Hang in there, guys! I’m not sure about you but the days seem to be longer and time feels like it’s slowing down these few weeks and to curb that boredom I’ve been wanting to try baking. If you’re in the same situation as me, I’m sure you know about...
5 Foods You Shouldn't Be Refrigerating

5 Foods You Shouldn't Be Refrigerating

For those who've been picking up cooking during Circuit Breaker, the last thing we need is to make extra trips down the supermarket because we've been storing our ingredients in the wrong places, causing them to spoil really quickly! Don't worry because here are 5 foods you shouldn't be refrigerating...
Let Your Friends Know You Miss Them With These Treats!

Let Your Friends Know You Miss Them With These Treats!

  As we’re entering the 6th week of our Circuit Breaker, my friends and I have resorted to keeping our friendship alive by not only video calling each other every night but also sending surprise gifts to each other! As the gifting cycle between us seems to have no end, it’s...
Celebrate Hari Raya With These Yummy Bundles!

Celebrate Hari Raya With These Yummy Bundles!

  As the fasting month comes to a close, what better way to celebrate the end of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan than to treat your family a scrumptious feast! This week, we have 5 yummy halal caterers with family bundles you can order on FoodLine and dig in at...
5 Cake Shops for Birthdays That Are Still Open!

5 Cake Shops for Birthdays That Are Still Open!

  As more cake shops are temporarily ceasing operations during this period, it can be hard to find cake shops that are still open especially when birthdays are significant as they only come once a year. To help you with that, here are 5 cakes shops that are still open so...
How to Store Fruits to Keep Them Fresh!

How to Store Fruits to Keep Them Fresh!

With the new regulations and restrictions implemented for grocery shopping at supermarkets, we can no longer make a trip down anytime we want because it's really such a hassle! So what happens if you want to stock up on some fruits to prevent making more trips down the supermarket? You'll want...
Mother’s Day Cake Deliveries

Mother’s Day Cake Deliveries

  To be honest, I’m bummed that most cake shops aren’t allowed to operate during this Circuit Breaker, especially since having cake is essential for my family when we celebrate Mother’s Day. However, just as every situation has a silver lining, some cake shops on FoodLine are still operating! This week,...
You Still Can Satisfy Your BBT Cravings from These Shops!

You Still Can Satisfy Your BBT Cravings from These Shops!

  Do you feel weak, occasionally feeling faint and just can’t be satisfied with other types of drinks out there? You may be suffering from bubble tea withdrawals, just like me! No worries, because there are a few shops on FoodLine that are able to relieve you from this suffering in...
Special Deliveries to Honour Your Mum This Mother’s Day

Special Deliveries to Honour Your Mum This Mother’s Day

  This year’s Mother’s Day is definitely going to be an unforgettable one for many of us this year because we’re all going to have to stay in, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy a special meal with our family. This time I’ve come prepared with a few special deliveries...
How to Celebrate Mother’s Day During Circuit Breaker

How to Celebrate Mother’s Day During Circuit Breaker

  Let’s be honest, with all the chaos about the Covid-19 news and the current Circuit Breaker situation we’re in now, who actually remembers that Mother’s Day is approaching? No need to raise your hands because, admittedly, I’m with you. This year’s Mother’s Day is definitely special because with the closures of...
How to Chase Away Your Fast Food Blues

How to Chase Away Your Fast Food Blues

  Image from Unsplash Ever since the announcement of the closure of all McDonald’s outlets, I’ve been sitting at my desk every day, regretting my decision to not get an Oreo McFlurry the day before the announcement because I thought...
Staple Ingredients & Their Shelf Life

Staple Ingredients & Their Shelf Life

I'm not sure about you, but this working from home situation has got me really looking forward to my lunch & dinner breaks because well, it's the best time for me to finally pick up some cooking skills while I can. For beginner cooks like myself, the worst mistake we...
Tingkat Menus: Healthier Choice Edition

Tingkat Menus: Healthier Choice Edition

With this work from home situation, it’s easy to just grab our phones and start ordering our favourite bubble teas because I get it, getting that Earl Grey Milk Tea you’ve been craving without needing to leave your desk, it might be a blessing in disguise! But with the amount of...
Value for Money Tingkat Meals

Value for Money Tingkat Meals

With so many social restrictions put in place recently, getting our meals daily proved to be inconvenient for my family. In the name of convenience, I suggested getting tingkats but I realised that there seemed to be a misconception about the prices of tingkat, as my dad thought that getting...
7 Foods That Can Be Kept in The Fridge for A Long Time

7 Foods That Can Be Kept in The Fridge for A Long Time

In times of uncertainties like these, we understand that it can be tough to plan your grocery shopping list. Don’t worry, we have got your back because this week I’m bringing you 7 foods that can be kept in the fridge for a long time so you don’t need to...
Four Seasons Restaurant Bentos Review

Four Seasons Restaurant Bentos Review One thing I like about the Four Seasons Restaurant bento menu is that they really take your everyday hawker dish to the next level of convenience! With the current situation, it may be tough to head out and get your food but with delivery so available on FoodLine, you really...
SethLui x FoodLine Tingkat Coupon Code 2020

SethLui x FoodLine Tingkat Coupon Code 2020

How to use your coupon code? Step 1: Order from any of the Tingkat caterers on FoodLine. Step 2: Before placing your order, indicate the Coupon Code in the “Coupon Code” field. (Can be found on the email) Step 3: After your event, go to the cash reward page. Follow the...
Four Seasons Restaurant – Mini Buffet Review

Four Seasons Restaurant – Mini Buffet Review Specialising in Durian-flavoured desserts, did you know that Four Seasons Restaurant also caters a variety of tze char style dishes? One of their dishes is also injected with a tinge of durian flavour, so for all the durian lovers out there, this is for you. Note: This mini buffet menu is...
A customer just ordered for 35 pax for 26th Sep, 11:30AM
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