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Author: Koh Yun Xin

When Are The Best Times To Eat?

When Are The Best Times To Eat?

Have you ever wondered - when should we eat our breakfast, lunch and dinner? As much as we have the freedom to schedule our own mealtimes, eating at certain time periods will benefit us. Here’s why.   Breakfast Photo by ...
Easy 3-Ingredient Recipes For Your 3 Meals

Easy 3-Ingredient Recipes For Your 3 Meals

As many of us are still working from home, we have a lot more time to ourselves. And that includes more time to cook! Here are 3 easy recipes that only require 3 ingredients, specifically for your 3 meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner.   Breakfast: Souffle Omelette ...
Is Your Skincare Routine In The Correct Sequence?

Is Your Skincare Routine In The Correct Sequence?

With wearing masks being an essential in our wardrobe, it is important that we are diligent enough to make skincare a routine to prevent breakouts, specifically our biggest enemy now - mask acne (also dubbed as “maskne”). But being diligent isn’t all. The order of application does matter and the...
Thai Dishes You Have To Try

Thai Dishes You Have To Try

With Thai cuisine being one of the most popular cuisines in the world, here are some personal favourite dishes everyone has got to try at least once in your life.   Tom Yum Soup Photo by The Creative...
Are You Giving Yourself Enough Self-Care?

Are You Giving Yourself Enough Self-Care?

Let’s take a moment to reflect by answering the following questions: Are you always working, with no time for yourself? Do you find yourself skipping meals, or cancelling plans to attend to work? Do you even have any me-time on your agenda?   ...
Do You Know Your Croissants Well?

Do You Know Your Croissants Well?

A croissant is a classic pastry typically eaten for breakfast or as a snack. You will remember it for its crescent shape, iconic layers and flaky texture. Most of the time, croissants can be eaten plain, or with a generous amount of filling and topping for something more flavourful! We love...
Mid-Autumn Festival Traditions

Mid-Autumn Festival Traditions

Yes, as you can see from the title, Mid-Autumn Festival is around the corner! This year’s Mid-Autumn Festival falls on a Thursday (1 October). Here are some traditions people normally follow when celebrating in Singapore.   Eat Mooncakes Photo by ...
5 Cafes That Roast Their Own Coffee Beans

5 Cafes That Roast Their Own Coffee Beans

As much as we love our kopi served at coffee shops, who doesn’t love a minimalistic cafe to sip some coffee? It will be even better with fresh coffee beans because there’s something about the taste and aroma of the coffee that’s just so different. Here are 5 minimalist cafes...
Mini Pancakes As Cereal For Breakfast?

Mini Pancakes As Cereal For Breakfast?

We have all heard about having pancakes or cereal before, but what about pancakes as cereal? Yes, you’ve read this correctly, pancakes as your cereal. Everything about this pancake cereal is the same as your normal pancakes, with size being the only difference. These pancake cereals are mini, bite-sized pancakes...
What Is Intermittent Fasting About?

What Is Intermittent Fasting About?

Plan to start a healthier lifestyle but don’t want to exercise? This is it - intermittent fasting. If you have not already tried intermittent fasting, you should. Intermittent fasting has become a health trend over the years because of the many perks, as it is said to aid in losing...
Brain Foods That Can Push You To Stay Awake

Brain Foods That Can Push You To Stay Awake

Are you always struggling to keep those eyes open - whether you’re working or schooling - and staying awake is just so difficult? You’re unable to focus and all you want to do is sleep, but you can’t because you have to finish sending out an email or have to...
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