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How To Treat Mosquito Bites

How To Treat Mosquito Bites

Have you been getting mosquito bites lately? With an increasing number of dengue cases, we should be extra careful! I understand the urge to scratch your bites but doing that will  only take longer for your mosquito bites to heal. Usually, mosquito bites will heal on its own in a few...
Tingkat Promotion Aug 2020 (Exclusive to Mailing List)

Tingkat Promotion Aug 2020 (Exclusive to Mailing List)

How to use your coupon code? Step 1: Order from any of the caterers on FoodLine. Step 2: Before placing your order, indicate the Coupon Code in the “Coupon Code” field. (Can be found on the email) Step 3: After your event, go to the cash reward page. Follow the instructions to submit your invoice...
Popular Caterings for Lunar 7th Month!

Popular Caterings for Lunar 7th Month!

  Looking for some presentable, delicious yet affordable options for your Lunar 7th Month celebrations? At FoodLine we have up to 80 menus for you to choose from and I get it, it can get overwhelming! No worries because this week I’ve put together 7 popular caterings for Lunar 7th Month...
How to Get Yourself Out Of Rock Bottom

How to Get Yourself Out Of Rock Bottom

No one wants to hit the rock bottom and no one likes it. But it is only normal that we experience it once in a while, especially when things get tough. Everything you do will become so much more difficult and you feeling very much drained. Making every moment very dreadful. It...
Is It Okay To Skip Breakfast?

Is It Okay To Skip Breakfast?

If you are here reading, it probably means you are the one skipping breakfast or you are trying to convince someone not to skip breakfast! The answer is very straight forward and direct: Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash Breakfast...
How Cooking Affects the Nutrient Content of Foods

How Cooking Affects the Nutrient Content of Foods

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels When we are cooking our meals, there are two main things that come to our mind, making the food flavourful and maximizing the nutrient content that we get from them. However, the cooking method that you choose...
5 Foods That Are Bad for Your Health

5 Foods That Are Bad for Your Health

Photo by Kenneth Carpina from Pexels There's a wide array of healthy food that you can incorporate in your diet daily but there are some you should avoid as they are bad for your health. These are the types of food that...
Beans Party Western Review

Beans Party Western Review

[embed][/embed] At Beans Party Western, they aim to serve their customers with tasty and affordable western cuisine. With a variety of dishes to choose from, you will be spoilt with choices! There is definitely something for everyone! Buffalo Wings Personally, I really love all kinds of chicken wings so this Buffalo Wings...
Improve Your Immune System with These Foods!

Improve Your Immune System with These Foods!

  It’s currently a critical period and the last thing we want is to fall defenseless against these potent viruses! Improve your immune system with these foods that can help you and your loved ones to continue to stay healthy and safe.     Elderberries ...
Moldy Food Is Not Always Dangerous!

Moldy Food Is Not Always Dangerous!

Photo by Park Street on Unsplash Moldy food is that mushy, fuzzy, or dusty texture that we can visually identify on our food when it turns bad. Most of the time, this is a sign that we should discard...
How Long Can You Live Without Food?

How Long Can You Live Without Food?

Photo by Nerfee Mirandilla from Pexels It's important to not skip your meals as food and water are essential for human survival. The food that we consume helps to provide our body with energy to perform daily tasks. In addition, most of...
How To Train Yourself To Wake Up Earlier?

How To Train Yourself To Wake Up Earlier?

Ever heard of this saying, "Early bird gets the worm"? Well, an early start is the key to success so let's get there by training ourselves to wake up earlier! Set An Alarm Photo by insung yoon on Unsplash ...
National Day Promo 2020

National Day Promo 2020

How to use your coupon code? Step 1: Order from any of the caterers on FoodLine. Step 2: Before placing your order, indicate the Coupon Code in the “Coupon Code” field. Step 3: After your event, go to the cash reward page. Follow the instructions to submit your invoice and review. We will...
8 Last-Minute Options for Your National Day Gathering!

8 Last-Minute Options for Your National Day Gathering!

  I’m not sure about you, but time just seems to be passing so quickly these days and in a blink of an eye, National Day is already happening this weekend! This year is pretty special because we can finally enjoy some amazing fireworks at the comfort of our home, which...
FoodLine x HSBC WOW Weekend Offer

FoodLine x HSBC WOW Weekend Offer

*These coupon codes are only applicable for HSBC cardholders and verification may be required. How to use your coupon code? Step 1: Order from any of the caterers on FoodLine. Step 2: Before placing your order, indicate the Coupon Code in the “Coupon Code” field. Step 3: After your event, go to the ...
5 Ways to Stop Feeling Tired All the Time

5 Ways to Stop Feeling Tired All the Time

5 Ways to Stop Feeling Tired All the Time Do you know feeling sleepy and being tired is different? Tiredness can largely cause by stress, pain or poor lifestyle choices! I am not sure about you but I am constantly feeling tired and it makes me restless and not want to do...
4 Vegetables that you can easily grow in your balcony!

4 Vegetables that you can easily grow in your balcony!

More than 90% of the food we have in Singapore are imported from other countries. Which means we are vulnerable to food shortages and inflation all while relying on the produce of other countries. Well, we can do our tiny part and bring that farmer in ourselves out! It’s always more...
5 More Restaurants That You Can Group Buy with Your Neighbours!

5 More Restaurants That You Can Group Buy with Your Neighbours!

Are you craving for a certain dish but looking for ways to save up on cost? You can try group buying with your neighbours! Group buys allow you to split your delivery cost with your neighbours while enjoying great food! Without further ado, here are 5 more restaurants that you...
3 Tips to Protect Yourself and Your Family from Dengue Fever

3 Tips to Protect Yourself and Your Family from Dengue Fever

Photo by from Pexels The dengue cases in Singapore have been increasing rapidly with over 20,000 dengue cases in less than seven months in the year of 2020. As compared to other years, this year's dengue cases have surpassed the annual...
WE Cater - National Day Menu Review

WE Cater - National Day Menu Review

Yes! National Day is just around the corner so, why not make this upcoming National Day more special for you and your loved ones with WE Cater's National Day Menu! As I am writing this review, I can recall the variety of dishes that I was greeted with I can't wait...
A customer just ordered for 23rd Sep, 8:24PM
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